Jordan Stalker's Writings

Essays on Film
What's in a Western?
Hollow Man
The Quest For Power

Essays on Literature
Gilgamesh's Immortality
Four Stages of Mourning

Poetic Advertising

Social Commentaries
Lying to Children
Minnetonka Sundays

Pro-War Photo-Op

DVD List

Book List Page One
Book List Page Two
Book List Page Three

Updates 12 Aug 2003
Edited - Book List
Discovered- FrontPage Blows

Things which appear on this website are the writings of Jordan Stalker. These writings have been collected over a number of years, and some of them have been retouched and edited to ensure the best quality possible for the essays. There is no set form for essays, as should be evident by the wide the variety of subjects upon which I have written.

The Essays on Film I have included on this site are a mixture of casual reviews and serious critiques on various films. Essays on Literature are much the same, with some of them being book reviews, some being critiques on poetry, and others being explanations of certain themes. My Essays on Society are essentially mindless ramblings and scattered thoughts that I most likely devoted too much time to, but decided to publish anyhow, even if it is only by digital means.

Furthermore, these are my essays. I have dedicated many hours to the research and composition of these essays, and will not condone the unauthorized use of my thoughts in the works of others. This is especially true when others try to pass my work off entirely as his/her own.  However, if for some reason you have read something of mine which you feel is particularly useful to a point you are trying to make, feel free to contact me about citing my work in a paper of your own. I do not mind my work being used  when I am properly credited, and the notification is mainly so that I can boast that my work was good enough to be included in the work of another.

In addition to the writings, I have decided to include some samples of my newest passion: Photography. I decided to unveil this new section with an interesting spread of a pro-Iraq War gathering on the University of Minnesota campus.

To add yet another layer of depth, as well as to keep this site more in-line with the average website, I have decided to include an Interactivity section, wherein I provide some trivial lists. As a film major, it goes without saying that I should have an impressive DVD collection. As a writer, it should likewise go unsaid that I am an avid reader. Thusly I have included links to my DVD and Book supply. I call them supplies because they are simply too important to my everyday life to be considered collectibles. I am also building a links page related the areas on my site. Hopefully the page will grow into a useful directory.